Anglais Courses

We found 3 courses available for you

Cours Cybersécurité

72 hours

Cette formation regroupe un pack de 4 formations différentes ! …

Psychologie de la maîtrise de soi

1 Lesson
2.6 hours
Tous niveaux

Si vous avez du mal à perdre du poids ou …

What you'll learn
Be able to use simple tricks and techniques to make self-control easier.
Actually apply these strategies and make a deliberate effort to understand their effects
Have a huge advantage when it comes to sticking to your diet
Meeting your fitness goals, and leading a healthier lifestyle.

Mobile App Développement avec Ionic Framework

3 Lessons
21.5 hours

 The Ionic framework is an open source library of mobile-optimized …

What you'll learn
The basics of the technology
Background behind the technology.
The advantages of mobile apps
Cover basics as well as advanced concepts and technologies.
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